Specifying Correlate Immediately

The Correlate Immediately option causes an immediate reply to a message if there are no active process instances with matching correlation data when the message is received.

A process instance with matching correlation data may not be available because the process instance does not exist, or because it is currently halted or suspended. In these situations, specifying the Correlate Immediately option results in:

  • A response is immediately returned to the sender indicating that no process instance with matching correlation data was found, or that matching process instances were found but are in a non-running state (halted or suspended).
  • Correlation will still occur at a later time when the process instance with matching correlation data is available and running.

Any customer-developed user interfaces receiving the response is required to interpret the additional response information in order to inform the end user that the update has been received and will be processed later when the process instance is active.


  1. In the Process Editor, select the event or receive task.
  2. Select the General tab.
  3. In the Implementation Details section, select the Correlate Immediately check box.