Setting Diagram Preferences

You can customize the appearance of the Business Object Modeler.


  1. Select Window > Preferences.
  2. Expand Diagram and Business Object Model Diagram.
    • Clicking Appearance displays a dialog that allows you to change the color of fonts, backgrounds, fill colors, and so on.
    • Clicking Connections displays a dialog that allows you to change the line style of the Connections in the Business Object Modeler (for example, Associations, Generalizations, and so on).
    • Clicking Pathmaps displays a dialog that allows you to specify path variables to modeling artifacts that you might want to use in your business object model.
      Note: There are two more options Printing and Ruler and Grid. Even though these options are not displayed directly under BOM Diagram, they apply only to the Business Object Modeler, and not to the Process Modeler.
    • Clicking Printing displays a dialog that allows you to specify the print settings for your business object models (for example, orientation, page size and the margins).
    • Clicking Ruler and Grid displays a dialog that allows you to specify whether or not the ruler or grid is displayed when defining business object models in the Business Object Modeler.


Any changes you apply affect new objects only. To change the appearance of existing objects, select the object then use the Appearance tab in the Properties view or the options on the Diagram menu.