Expired Signals Job

Background job frequency can be configured with the globalSignalProcessorInterval property in the pvm.properties file. This property specifies how frequently expired global signals are cleaned up.

This is specified as either of the following:

  • P# - Where "P" indicates "periodic" and # is the number of minutes. For example, P60 causes the cleanup job to run every 60 minutes.
  • D# - Where "D" indicates "daily" and # is the hour number (1-24). For example, D20 causes the cleanup job to run daily at 8 PM.

The default is P30.

Batch size for this job is configured with the globalSignalProcessorNumMessages property in the pvm.properties file. This specifies how many expired signals should be processed at a time. The default value is 500.

For more information about properties files, see BPM Properties Files.