
Saves one or more user settings (name/value pairs) for a specific storageKey and settingID.

  • The request must specify the user settings (name/value pairs) to be stored and the associated storageKey and settingID.
  • The response returns an empty document if the user settings were successfully stored.

User settings allow the BPM application to store any name/value pairs on the server for later retrieval (using the getUserSettings operation).

Required System Action
API Descriptions

1 This system action is also needed in the following situation:

  • The restrictUserSettings property in the file is set to true (the default) (for more information, see "Configuration of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Directory Engine" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Administration guide), and
  • you are deleting a user setting that is either managed by the Workspace Configuration Administrator or is defined as part of a system view (in which case storageKey="ConfigData" and settingId="ConfigAdmin").