
Delete the calendar entries identified by the GUIDs in the request.

  • The version value returned in the earlier request to retrieve the calendar entry (GetCalendarEntries) should be passed in this deleteCalendarEntries request. If the given version value does not match the current value held in the database, a conflicting update must have occurred since the initial request to retrieve the Calendar Entry, and the delete request will be rejected. The caller must then perform another GetCalendarEntries request.
  • Amendments to existing Calendar Entries will not be reflected in those deadline calculations that have already been performed.
  • The deleted entries cannot be recovered. If any of the entries fails to be deleted, no entries will be deleted.
Action DeleteCalendarEntries
Parameter Notes
  • version, namespace, name  identify the calendar from which entries are to be deleted.
  • entry-guid:  The GUID of the calendar entry to be deleted. You can get this from a previous GetCalendarEntries or SaveCalendarEntry operation.
Return VoidResult

Required System Action
