Enabling the Java Service Connector for Your Development Environment

The Java Service Connector is provided as an archive (service-connector-1.x.zip), installed in the TIBCO_HOME\client-api\x.x\service-connectors\java-service-connector directory when you install the BPM runtime.

To make the Java Service Connector available to your development environment:


  1. Unzip the archive file to a folder which is on the machine hosting your development environment, say C:\temp\serviceConnector.
  2. Delete the servlet-api-2.5.jar if you have a servlet container setup.

    The Service Connector archive file contains the servlet API servlet-api-2.5.jar. However, if you already have a servlet container setup, this file is available in the servlet containers library folder. To avoid any conflicts, you must delete the servlet-api-2.5.jar from the location where you unzipped the Service Connector archive file.

  3. Edit the CLASSPATH to ensure that all the binary contents of the archive file are in the CLASSPATH. For example, add all the files available in C:\temp\serviceConnectorto the CLASSPATH.