Event Attributes
This topic lists all attributes available as display columns in views of events.
The table below identifies which attributes may be used to sort and filter the view.
id | Label/Header | Filterable | Sortable |
actionPrivilege | System action privilege | No | No |
actionType | Action type | No | No |
activityCallBackTimeStamp | Activity callback time stamp | No | No |
activityId | Activity ID | No | No |
activityName | Activity name | No | No |
allocationMethod | Allocation method | No | No |
applicationActivityInstanceId | Application activity instance ID | Yes | Yes |
applicationActivityModelId | Application activity model ID | Yes | Yes |
applicationActivityName | Application activity name | Yes | Yes |
applicationId | Application ID | No | No |
applicationName | Application name | Yes | Yes |
arrivalTime | Arrival time | No | No |
assocQualifier | Association qualifier | No | No |
attribute1 | Attribute1 | No | No |
attribute10 | Attribute10 | No | No |
attribute11 | Attribute11 | No | No |
attribute12 | Attribute12 | No | No |
attribute13 | Attribute13 | No | No |
attribute14 | Attribute14 | No | No |
attribute15 | Attribute15 | No | No |
attribute16 | Attribute16 | No | No |
attribute17 | Attribute17 | No | No |
attribute18 | Attribute18 | No | No |
attribute19 | Attribute19 | No | No |
attribute2 | Attribute2 | No | No |
attribute20 | Attribute20 | No | No |
attribute21 | Attribute21 | No | No |
attribute22 | Attribute22 | No | No |
attribute23 | Attribute23 | No | No |
attribute24 | Attribute24 | No | No |
attribute25 | Attribute25 | No | No |
attribute26 | Attribute26 | No | No |
attribute27 | Attribute27 | No | No |
attribute28 | Attribute28 | No | No |
attribute29 | Attribute29 | No | No |
attribute3 | Attribute3 | No | No |
attribute30 | Attribute30 | No | No |
attribute31 | Attribute31 | No | No |
attribute32 | Attribute32 | No | No |
attribute33 | Attribute33 | No | No |
attribute34 | Attribute34 | No | No |
attribute35 | Attribute35 | No | No |
attribute36 | Attribute36 | No | No |
attribute37 | Attribute37 | No | No |
attribute38 | Attribute38 | No | No |
attribute39 | Attribute39 | No | No |
attribute4 | Attribute4 | No | No |
attribute40 | Attribute40 | No | No |
attribute5 | Attribute5 | No | No |
attribute6 | Attribute6 | No | No |
attribute7 | Attribute7 | No | No |
attribute8 | Attribute8 | No | No |
attribute9 | Attribute9 | No | No |
authorization | Authorization | No | No |
baseDeployDirectory | Base deployment directory | No | No |
baseDeployLocation | Base deployment location | No | No |
bdsQuery | BDS query | No | No |
bodyLocation | Body location | No | No |
brmFieldName | Field name | No | No |
bundleClassLoader | Bundle class loader | No | No |
businessAttribute | Business attribute | No | No |
cacheKey | Cache key | No | No |
cacheSizeLimit | Cache size limit | No | No |
caseReference | Case reference | No | No |
caseSearchTag | Case search tag | No | No |
channelId | Channel ID | Yes | Yes |
channelType | Channel type | No | No |
char | Character | No | No |
childNumber | Child number | No | No |
children | Children | No | No |
classLoader | Class loader | No | No |
cleanupInterval | Cleanup interval | No | No |
clientIPAddr | Client IP Address | No | No |
clientReferer | Client referer | No | No |
clientSessionId | Client session ID | No | No |
clientUserAgent | Client user agent | No | No |
componentClassName | Component class name | No | No |
componentId | Component ID | Yes | Yes |
compositeApplicationName | Composite application name | No | No |
containerCount | LDAP container count | No | No |
containerDescription | LDAP container description | No | No |
containerMappingString | LDAP container mapping string | No | No |
contextId | Context ID | Yes | Yes |
correlationId | Correlation ID | Yes | Yes |
createdBy | Creation user | No | No |
createdDate | Created date | No | No |
creationTime | Creation time | Yes | Yes |
criteria | Criteria | No | No |
currentCacheSize | Current cache size | No | No |
dacAllTimeIsWorkingTime | All time working time | No | No |
dacCalendarEntryGuid | Calendar entry GUID | No | No |
dacFreeBusyDuration | Free/busy duration | No | No |
dacFreeBusyEnd | Free/busy end time | No | No |
dacFreeBusyStart | Free/busy start time | No | No |
dacFreeBusyType | Free busy type | No | No |
dacRequestXml | DAC request xml | No | No |
dacResponseXml | DAC response xml | No | No |
dbErrorMsg | Failed database query | No | No |
defaultValue | Default business parameter value | No | No |
deployDate | Deploy date | No | No |
deploymentMessage | Deployment message | No | No |
deploymentUrl | Deployment URL | No | No |
deployUrl | Deployed artifact URL | No | No |
depth | Depth | No | No |
description | Description | No | No |
diagNostic | DiagNostic info | No | No |
directory | Directory | No | No |
distinct | Distinct | No | No |
ecQueryFilter | Event collector query | No | No |
entities | Resource entity GUID | Yes | Yes |
entitiesFound | Entities found | No | No |
entitiesToProcess | Entities to process | No | No |
entity | Entity | No | No |
entityId | Entity ID | Yes | Yes |
entityName | Entity name | No | No |
entityType | Entity type | Yes | Yes |
environmentId | Environment ID | No | No |
environmentName | Environment name | No | No |
eventType | Event type | No | No |
expirationTime | Expiration time | No | No |
expressionsFound | Expressions found | No | No |
extendedMessage | Extended message | No | No |
fieldName | Field name | No | No |
fileUrl | External file URL | No | No |
filterElement | Filter element | No | No |
filterPrivilegeElement | Filter privilege element | No | No |
filterQualifierElement | Filter qualifier element | No | No |
firstExecution | First execution | No | No |
formBaseUrl | Form base URL | No | No |
foundEscape | Found escape | No | No |
foundMetaDataType | Found meta data type | No | No |
foundWildcard | Found wildcard | No | No |
genericLogMessage | Generic log message | No | No |
globalCacheTimeout | Global cache timeout | No | No |
guid | GUID | No | No |
hasMoreResults | Has more results | No | No |
host | Host | No | No |
hostAddress | Host address | Yes | Yes |
hostName | Host name | Yes | Yes |
hostTaskName | Host task name | No | No |
hostTaskType | Host task type | No | No |
httpExtenderName | HTTP extender name | No | No |
httpRequestAttName | HTTP binding attributes | No | No |
id | Event ID | Yes | Yes |
immediateChildreNonly | Immediate children only | No | No |
index | Generic index | No | No |
interruptsMainFlow | Interrupts main flow | No | No |
isEnableCleanupThread | Enable cleanup thread | No | No |
isPrimary | Primary LDAP resource | No | No |
isValid | Valid value | No | No |
iteration | Iteration | No | No |
iterationId | Iteration ID | No | No |
lastAccess | Last LDAP access | No | No |
ldapAlias | LDAP alias | No | No |
ldapAttribute | LDAP attribute | No | No |
ldapAttributeValue | LDAP attribute value | No | No |
ldapContainer | LDAP container | No | No |
ldapDisplayAttributes | LDAP resources/attributes | No | No |
ldapDisplayFields | LDAP display fields | No | No |
ldapDn | LDAP DN | No | No |
ldapFilter | LDAP filter | No | No |
ldapResources | LDAP resources | No | No |
ldapSearchResultList | LDAP search results | No | No |
ldapsearchscope | LDAP search scope | No | No |
ldapSearchString | LDAP search string | No | No |
ldapSource | LDAP source | No | No |
lineNumber | Line number | No | No |
Links | Event Links | No | No |
localValue | Local value | No | No |
localValueN | Normalized local value | No | No |
mailHostFile | Host mail file | No | No |
majorVersion | Major version | No | No |
managedObjectDescription | Managed object description | No | No |
managedObjectDetails | Managed object details | No | No |
managedObjectId | Managed object ID | Yes | Yes |
managedObjectName | Managed object name | Yes | Yes |
managedObjectStatus | Managed object status | Yes | Yes |
managedObjectType | Managed object type | Yes | Yes |
managedObjectUrl | Managed object URL | No | No |
managedObjectVersion | Managed object version | Yes | Yes |
maxPageSize | Maximum page size | No | No |
message | Message | Yes | Yes |
messageCategory | Message category | Yes | Yes |
messageContent | Message contents | No | No |
messageId | Message ID | Yes | Yes |
messageText | Message text | No | No |
methodId | Method ID | No | No |
methodName | Method name | No | No |
microVersion | Micro version | No | No |
miNorVersion | MiNor version | No | No |
modelId | XPDL ID | No | No |
modelMajorVersion | Model major version | No | No |
modelVersion | Model version | No | No |
modifiedBy | Modified by | No | No |
modifiedCount | Modified count | No | No |
modifiedDate | Modified date | No | No |
moduleName | Module name | Yes | Yes |
moduleVersion | Module version | No | No |
name | Name | No | No |
newAttributeList | New attribute list | No | No |
Node | Node | No | No |
NodeName | Node name | Yes | Yes |
numberOfChildren | Number of children | No | No |
numberReturned | Number returned | No | No |
operation | Operation | No | No |
orgModelId | Organization model ID | No | No |
originalQueryValue | Original query value | No | No |
pageNumber | Page number | No | No |
pageSize | Page size | No | No |
paramDescriptor | Parameter descriptor GUID | No | No |
parameterDescription | Parameter descriptor description | No | No |
parameterName | Parameter name | No | No |
parameters | Presentation parameters | No | No |
parameterType | Parameter type | No | No |
parentActivityInstanceId | Parent activity instance ID | Yes | Yes |
parentContextId | Parent context ID | Yes | Yes |
parentObjectId | Parent object ID | Yes | Yes |
parentProcessInstanceId | Parent process instance ID | Yes | Yes |
path | Composite path | No | No |
pfeRequestXml | Request XML string | No | No |
pfeResponseXml | Response XML string | No | No |
pilingLimit | Piling limit | No | No |
portType | Port type | No | No |
preciseCreationTime | Precise creation time | No | No |
principalDomain | Principal domain | No | No |
principalId | Principal ID | Yes | Yes |
principalName | Principal name | Yes | Yes |
priority | Priority | Yes | Yes |
priorStepId | Prior step ID | Yes | Yes |
processEngineCalledTimeStamp | Process engine called time stamp | No | No |
processId | Process instance ID | No | No |
processInstanceId | Process instance ID | No | No |
processName | Process template name | No | No |
processNames | Process names | No | No |
processPriority | Process instance priority | Yes | Yes |
processRunnerCompleted | Process runner complete | No | No |
processTime | Request process time | No | No |
pushDestinationNumTargets | Push destination target count | No | No |
pushWorkId | Push work ID | No | No |
pushWorkMode | Push work mode | No | No |
pushWorkMsg | Push work message | No | No |
qualifier | Version qualifier | No | No |
qualifierDescriptor | Capability qualifier descriptor | No | No |
query | HQL query | No | No |
queryCorrelate | Correlate query | No | No |
queryEntity | Query entity | No | No |
queryFilter | Query filter | No | No |
queryGuid | Query GUID | No | No |
queryJunction | Query junction | No | No |
queryModelString | Query model string | No | No |
queryOperator | Query operator | No | No |
queryOptionsGetTotalCount | Query get total count | No | No |
queryOptionsNumberOfItems | Query item count | No | No |
queryOptionsStartPosition | Query start position | No | No |
queryParameters | Query parameters | No | No |
queryScope | Query scope | No | No |
queryString | Resource query string | No | No |
queryTag | Query tag | No | No |
queryValue | Query value | No | No |
reason | Reason | No | No |
record | Record | No | No |
referer | Referer | No | No |
registeredAttributeName | Registered attribute name | No | No |
registeredComponentId | Registered component ID | No | No |
registeredComponentName | Registered component name | No | No |
registeredComponentVersion | Registered component version | No | No |
registeredEnvironmentName | Registered environment name | No | No |
requestor | Requestor | No | No |
requestReceived | Request received | No | No |
requestXML | Request XML | No | No |
rescheduledData | Rescheduled data | No | No |
resourceId | Resource ID | Yes | Yes |
resourceName | Resource name | Yes | Yes |
responseXML | Response XML | No | No |
resultBoolean | Result boolean | No | No |
resultCount | Result count | No | No |
retryTime | Retry time | No | No |
returnedDataCount | Returned data count | No | No |
returnFailures | Return failures | No | No |
returnMetadata | Return metadata | No | No |
returnMsg | Undeployment message | No | No |
returnValue | Response XML | No | No |
roleName | Role name | No | No |
rootGroups | Root groups | No | No |
rootNode | Root Node | No | No |
rootOrgUnits | Root organization units | No | No |
ruleValue | Rule value | No | No |
scriptTypeUid | Script type GUID | No | No |
searchTag | Search tag | No | No |
secondaryLdapResourceId | Secondary LDAP resource | No | No |
sequenceId | Sequence ID | No | No |
serviceArchive | Service archive | No | No |
serviceArchiveId | Service archive ID | No | No |
serviceArchiveLocation | Service archive location | No | No |
serviceArchiveName | Service archive name | No | No |
serviceName | Service name | No | No |
sessionCreationTime | Session creation time | No | No |
sessionId | Session ID | No | No |
sessionLastAccessedTime | Session last accessed time | No | No |
sessionMaxActiveInterval | Session maximum active interval | No | No |
severity | Severity | Yes | Yes |
severityImage | Severity Image | No | No |
size | Size | No | No |
sourceEntity | Source entity | No | No |
sourceObjectAlias | Source object alias | No | No |
stackTrace | Stack trace | No | No |
startPosition | Start position | No | No |
stats | Statistics | No | No |
stringParameter | String parameter | No | No |
stringResult | String result | No | No |
subprocessInstanceId | Subprocess instance ID | Yes | Yes |
subprocessName | Subprocess name | Yes | Yes |
subprocessTemplateId | Subprocess template ID | No | No |
subprocessVersion | Subprocess version | Yes | Yes |
systemActionComponentId | System action component ID | Yes | Yes |
systemActionDefaultValue | System action default | No | No |
systemActionId | System action ID | Yes | Yes |
targetEntity | Qualified association target | No | No |
targetObjectAlias | Target object alias | No | No |
threadContextClassLoader | Thread context class loader | No | No |
threadId | Thread ID | No | No |
threadName | Thread name | No | No |
timeTrackerAge | Time tracker age | No | No |
timeTrackerTimeout | Time tracker timeout | No | No |
totalPETimeElapsed | Total process engine time elapsed | No | No |
totalTimeElapsed | Total time elapsed | No | No |
updateArea | Update area | No | No |
userAgent | User-Agent | No | No |
userSettingCategory | User setting category | No | No |
userSettingId | User setting ID | No | No |
value | Value | No | No |
Version | Version | No | No |
workGroupDesc | Work group description | No | No |
workGroupId | Work group ID | No | No |
workGroupType | Work group type | No | No |
workItemData | Work item data | No | No |
workItemPayload | Work item payload | No | No |
workItemPriority | Work item priority | No | No |
workItemScheduleEnd | Work item schedule target date | Yes | Yes |
workItemScheduleStart | Work item schedule start date | Yes | Yes |
workModelId | Work model ID | No | No |
workTypeDesc | Work type description | No | No |
workTypeFileName | Work type file name | No | No |
workTypeFilePath | Work type file path | No | No |
workTypeId | Work type ID | No | No |
workTypeResource | Work type resource | No | No |
workTypeUnitId | Work type unit ID | No | No |
workTypeUnitName | Work type unit name | No | No |
workTypeVersion | Work type version | No | No |
wpMethodName | Work presentation method name | No | No |
xmlText | Request XML | No | No |
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