REST API - listProcessInstanceAttributes

The table summarizes the REST API - listProcessInstanceAttributes.


GET <baseurl>/process/list/instanceattributes/<module>/<process>/<version>
Path parameters
  • module: Name of the module to which the process template belongs.
  • process: Name of the process template whose process instance attributes are to be listed.
  • version: OSGi-style version number of the process template. (This version number is the same as that of the module.)

    These parameters can be obtained from listProcessTemplates , queryProcessTemplates , and queryProcessTemplatesAlt .

Query parameters attributetype=string (0..n): Enumerated value which, if specified, filters the result set to include only those attributes which belong to the specified type (FILTERABLE, SORTABLE, DISPLAYABLE or HALT_ONLY).


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the instanceAttributes element.
XML Returns the content of the instanceAttributes element (from the ProcessManagement schema).


get <baseurl>/process/list/instanceattributes/HelpDesk%2FProcess%20Packages%2FHelpDesk.xpdl/InternalHelpDeskA/
               "name": "INSTANCE.WAITING_WORK_COUNT",
               "type": "integer",
                   "moduleName": "",
                   "processName": "",
                   "version": ""
               "viewtype": 123
               "name": "INSTANCE.VERSION",
               "type": "string",
                   "moduleName": "",
                   "processName": "",
                   "version": ""
               "viewtype": 123
               "name": "INSTANCE.PRIORITY",
               "type": "short",
                   "moduleName": "",
                   "processName": "",
                   "version": ""
               "viewtype": 123