name=string (0..n): Name of the process template for which instances are to be purged.
states=string (0..n): purge those process instances with specified state(s). If no state(s) are specified, then process instances that are in a terminal state will be purged..
applications=string (0..n): the applications for which all the process instances in the contained process templates are to be purged.
instances=string(0..n): the process instances to be purged.
thresholddate=string (0..n): Date before which process instances must have been completed, cancelled or failed for them to be purged in this operation.
batchsize=int batchSize: Number of process instances that should be deleted before the transaction is committed.
runinbackground=Boolean value specifying whether the purge runs in the background. If:
True: The purge will run in the background and the operation returns immediately. This is the default value.
False: The operation waits for the purge to complete before returning (subject to timeouts).