
This method causes the next available work item in the work item list to be opened, based on specified filter and sort parameters. “Available” means a work item that is not locked nor suspended.

Note: Pageflow definitions can include branching that would require the simultaneous handling of multiple user tasks, each requiring the display of a form (this same scenario could also occur in embedded sub-processes set up for chained execution).

Multiple forms resulting from these parallel pageflows cannot currently be displayed. If one is encountered in a WCC application (including the Workspace application), a warning message is displayed. In some situations, none of the forms can be displayed and execution of the pageflow (or chaining in the sub-process) cannot proceed. If a parallel pageflow is encountered inside of a business service, the application may be able to arbitrarily display one of the forms, but an exception may occur later when the form is submitted.


openNextWorkItemEx(parent, filter, sort);


  • parent - (Object) (optional) Identifies the General Interface component where the work item form is to be loaded (the component must implement the General Interface setChild method). If omitted, the work item is loaded in a dialog.
  • filter - (String) (optional) A filter expression to apply to the work item list prior to opening the next available work item. For information about filter syntax, see the "Sorting and Filtering Work Item Lists" topic in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide.
  • sort - (String) (optional) The sort order to apply to the work item list prior to opening the next available work item. Specify the sort field name, following by either ASC or DESC, for ascending or descending, respectively. Separate multiple sort fields with commas. For example:
    priority ASC, startDate DESC

    Use the following sort field names in the sort parameter:

    Attribute Sort Field Name
    Attribute #1 - Attribute #40 attribute1 - attribute40
    Distribution Strategy distributionStrategy
    Target Date endDate
    Instance Description appInstanceDescription
    ID appInstance
    Priority priority
    Processs Template appName
    Start Date startDate
    Work Item ID id

