SOAP API - createProcessInstance

The table summarizes the SOAP API - createProcessInstance.

Request Uses the createProcessInstanceInput element (from the ProcessManagement schema)
Parameter notes
  • processQName: Can be obtained from listProcessTemplates , queryProcessTemplates, and queryProcessTemplatesAlt.
  • operationName: This is the "starter operation" name, which must be a start event with a trigger type of "None". Can be obtained from listStarterOperations.
  • parameterMap: The names of the "start parameters" (also known as "formal parameters") can be obtained from getStarterOperationInfo. In the case of a business object model, you must export the business object model to an XML schema definition (see Business Object Models) and then wrap the XML in a CDATA section (as shown in the example below). These are used to pass data into the process instance being started.
  • priority: (Optional) Priority value used to schedule the execution of this process instance.
Response Returns a processID element (from the ProcessManagement schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:proc="">
            <proc:moduleName>/OMSUBAPPB/Process Packages/OMSUBAPPB.xpdl</proc:moduleName>
              <tns1:ControlDataElement xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" com.example.omsubbomappa.xsd">
              <tns1:BusinessDataElement xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" com.example.omsubbomappa.xsd">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <proc:processID xmlns:proc="">pvm:0a1213</proc:processID>