Using BDS in Tasks


All Tasks have an Interface tab that can be used to restrict which fields the task has access to. By default, no fields are listed, which means there are no restrictions and the Task has access to all the fields in the process.

Note: If the Interface tab is used, and a new field is added to the process, the new field will not be available in the Task until it is added to the Interface.

Each field that is specified in the Interface tab is specified to be one of the following:

  • In
  • Out
  • In / Out

These specifications define whether the value is input or output to the task. There is also a Mandatory flag that can be specified, which controls whether the field has to have a value.

User Task

BOM fields can be displayed and updated in User Task steps. After a User Task has been completed, all the BOM fields that are In / Out or Out fields will be initialized.

Script Task

Any BOM fields that have not been initialized by a previous task have a null value, and therefore need to be initialized using the factory method before any of the attributes can be referenced. See Creating a New Business Object for more details on using BOM fields in Script Tasks, and using Scripts in general.


If the form generated from a task includes a sequence, choice, or group with multiplicity assigned to it, that multiplicity is not reflected in the form. See Passing Multiplicity to a Form for details of this restriction.