REST API - saveUserSettings

The table summarizes the REST API - saveUserSettings.


PUT <baseurl>/usersettings/<storagekey>/<settingname>
Path parameters
  • storagekey: Any arbitrary value. Can also be a resource identifier if storage is resource-specific. But it can be any value identifying the data the application needs to persist on the server.

    If the restrictUserSettings property in the file is set to false, there are no restrictions on what you can pass in the storageKey attribute.

    However, if the restrictUserSettings property in the file is set to true (the default), and you are passing a GUID in the storageKey attribute, it must be the GUID of the calling user. This prevents the user from saving user settings for other users.

    For additional information about the restrictUserSettings property, see "Configuration of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Directory Engine" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Administration guide.

    Note: A System Administrator (that is, a user holding the "All System Actions" privilege) can save the user settings for any user, even if the restrictUserSettings property is set to true.
  • settingname: Any arbitrary value (with one exception—see below). Identifies the specific setting stored that relates to the value passed in storagekey. For each storagekey, there can be many settingIds. Note that the TIBCO Workspace application reserves settingIds that begin with "workspace".
Query parameters
  • uriinfo=string (1..n): These are name/value pairs for properties and their values, associated with the storagekey/settingname combination. You can specify values for as many arbitrary property names as needed. For example, the following stores the values "1", "2", and 3 in the properties "a", "b", and "c", respectively, and associates them with the storagekey and settingname specified in the URL:

    These values can then be retrieved at a later time with the getUserSettings method.


JSON If successful, returns 200 OK in the response header, and an empty response body.
XML If successful, returns 200 OK in the response header, and an empty response body.


PUT <baseurl>/usersettings/claims/motor?make=Honda&model=Accord&year=2010