Work Views
Work Views displays your available work views and the work items listed in that work view. Work views allow you to apply filter and/or sort criteria so that only the desired work items are listed in the work view. A work item represents an action item. It relates to a task in an active process instance. A user manages the work items in their work list by performing some sort of action upon them, such as entering data on a form, forwarding the item to another user or group, saving it and placing it back in the work list for further action at a later time, or by “submitting” it (completing the required action and sending it on to the next task in the process).You can also sort work items so that they are displayed in the order you want them displayed.
From the Work View drop-down list, you can select the work view you want. Selecting a work view displays the list of work items in that view. The first work item in the list is automatically selected.
You can specify whether you want your work items in ascending or descending order. By default, work items are sorted in ascending order. Press Enter on
Sort Ascending () or
Sort Descending (
), depending on your requirements.
You can use the following actions to process your work items.
The work item list that is initially displayed is a snap shot of the work items available at that point in time. You can refresh the list to get the most recent list of work items from BPM, see Refreshing Work Items.
If you have a large number of work items in your list, you can use the search feature to search for a specific work item, see Searching for Work Items.