Common Logging Event Publisher Microagent

The Common Logging Event Publisher Microagent (com.tibco.hawk.commonlogging.event.CLEventPublisher) publishes events from TIBCO Hawk using the TIBCO Common Logging in the Base Event Format (BEF) or Common Base Event (CBE).

Create the Event Definition configuration file with the following definitions:

  • What events have to be published (Event Output).
  • Event Data Source (from where to get and collect the events).
  • Where to publish events (Common Logging Configuration)
  • How to publish (Event Subscribe).

Sample event definition is available in the folder TIBCO_HOME/amx/<version>/hkam/templates/hma/cl.

CLEvent Publisher Microagent Configuration

For configuration of CLEventPublsiher Microagent, refer to the readme.txt available in TIBCO_HOME/amx/<version>/hkam/templates/hma/cl.


The methods in the microagent allows to start or stop event publisher and returns event publisher's information.