BOM Native Types

A number of BOM Native Types are supported by BOM Editor.

  • Attachment
  • Boolean
  • Date
  • Date Time
  • Date Time and Time Zone
  • Decimal
  • Duration
  • ID
  • Integer
  • Object
  • Text
  • Time
  • URI

There are also:

  • two Decimal sub-types (Fixed Point and Floating Point)
  • two Integer sub-types (Fixed Length and Signed Integer).
  • 4 sub-types of Object (xsd:any, xsd:anyType, xsd:anySimpleType and xsd:anyAttribute).

Therefore, in total, there are 18 different types, if you include the sub-types as types.

Note: The Attachment type is not currently supported by the BPM runtime.

Using Business Object Modeler, these BOM Native Types can be used to generate Primitive Types that have some application-specific restrictions, for example, a range or a regular expression that it must match.