Undeploying an Application Using Administrator

You can delete a deployed application by using the Administrator GUI in TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator. The application must be running for the undeploy to complete. However, you can always initiate an undeploy and the system will queue it and apply it to components as they become available. During undeployment, dependencies are taken into account to allow processing to clean up before removing components and bindings.

Important: Do not perform the Undeploy nor Force Undeploy operation on the BPM product application, which is named "amx.bpm.app" by default. Performing either of those operations on the BPM product application can cause the system to become unstable and/or unrecoverable, possibly requiring a re-creation of the environment.


  1. Select Applications.
  2. In the Applications list, click one or more applications.
  3. From the Undeploy drop-down, select one of the following options:


Option Procedure

This option checks dependencies on the selected applications.

If any of the selected applications has dependencies, the Application Dependencies to Undeploy dialog displays with target applications. Check the checkboxes next to the selected applications to continue with undeployment, and click Undeploy.

The selected applications are undeployed. The length of time this action takes to complete depends on how long it takes for the selected applications to complete their processing.

Force Undeploy

This option does not check dependencies on the selected applications.

A dialog asks you to confirm the forced undeployment. Components in the selected applications are allowed to perform cleanup operations.

If a component of the application stores information in a database or file, that data may remain after a force undeploy and must be cleaned up manually.