Freezing Case Data Models

You can freeze case data models so that no further changes can be made to it. In other words, the case model cannot be upgraded or undeployed. This prevents another database administrator making any further changes to the case data model.


Make sure the status of the case model is Installed.


  1. From TIBCO Openspace, click Data Admin.
  2. Click Live View.
    A list of the currently deployed case data models displays.
  3. Click the case data model that you want to freeze.
    The latest version number that is currently deployed for that case model displays.
  4. Click the version number.
    If you hover your cursor over the version number, the status of the case data model must be Installed. You cannot freeze a case model that is PENDING_DBA_TO_INSTALL or PENDING_DBA_TO_UNINSTALL.
  5. Click .
    A message displays indicating that the case model is frozen. If you hover your cursor over the case model, the Frozen property has a status of true.
  6. To unfreeze, click .
    A message displays indicating that the case model is unfrozen. If you hover your cursor over the case model, the Frozen property has a status of false.