Displaying Work Item Summary

You can display a summary of the details of a selected work item. You can view information such as, its priority or state, information about the process instance it was started from and any work item attributes that are set. This is useful because it allows you to quickly and easily access all the work item details, in a single place.


  1. From Work Views, navigate to Summary (The work item summary icon is a black grid).
  2. Press Enter. The Work Item Summary is displayed. See Work Item Columns for a description of the columns.
  3. You can use:
    • the Up, Down, Left and Right arrow keys to move between the boxes on the Work Item Summary page.
    • the Previous and Next arrows to move from one work item to the next.
  4. Press Enter or Shift, then Tab to Summary (The Work item summary icon is a black grid) and press Enter to exit Work Item Summary.