
This topic describes the data passed in the payload for PageBus event, com.tibco.wcc.schema.processInstances.

Data in the PageBus event:

topic: The PageBus topic for the event -- see Non-WCC Components Publishing Events.
message: INSTANCE.STATUS : The status of the instance: Active, Canceling,
            Completing, Failing, Halted, Halting, Not started, Restarting,
            Resuming, Starting, Suspended, or Suspending.
         INSTANCE.VERSION : The version of the process instance.
         INSTANCE.NAME : The name of the process instance.
         INSTANCE.ID : An identifier for the process instance.
         MODULE.NAME : The path to the XPDL file that defines the “process package”.
         INSTANCE.WAITING_WORK_COUNT : The number of outstanding work items in the
            process instance.
         INSTANCE.PRIORITY : The priority value of the process instance.
         INSTANCE.PARENT_PROCESS_ID : The instance ID of the parent process
            instance — only applicable for re-usable sub-processes.
         INSTANCE.START_DATE : The date and time the process instance was started.
         INSTANCE.ACTIVITY_FAULT_DATA : [Only applicable to halted process
            instances] The data that caused the instance to halt. For example,             “com.tibco.bx.core.faults.BxException: Set Value “Result” failed:
            value=”?”; value class=java.lang.Double”.
         INSTANCE.ACTIVITY_FAULT_NAME : [Only applicable to halted process
            instances] The name of the fault. For example,
         INSTANCE.FAILED_ACTIVITY_NAME : [Only applicable to halted process
            instances] The activity that caused the instance to halt. For example,
         <custom field 1> = value  Custom fields and their values (to appear in the
                 .                 payload, the custom fields must appear in the
                 .                 columns of the process instance list).
         <custom field n> = value
         schemaId = "com.tibco.wcc.schema.processInstances"
         scope = "public"
         viewName = Name of the process view the instance is in.
         templateIds = The process templates included in the process view.
         haltedOnly = "true" if halted instance view; “false” if standard view.
         ids = [
                   Process instance ID.


topic: "com.tibco.wcc.order.wccPrototype.wccProcessInstances.listItemSelect"
message: INSTANCE.STATUS = "Active"
         INSTANCE.VERSION = ""
         INSTANCE.NAME = "HelpDeskProcess"
         INSTANCE.ID = "pvm:0a125"
         MODULE.NAME = "/HelpDesk/Process Packages/HelpDesk.xpdl"
         INSTANCE.PRIORITY = "200"
         INSTANCE.START_DATE = "2013-05-28 14:00:31"
         ContactName = "Bonnie Brown"
         ContactPhone = "669-399-9090"
         IssueDescription = "Lost password"
         IssueDetails = ""
         ResolutionDescription = ""
         ResolutionDetails = ""
         schemaId = "com.tibco.wcc.schema.processInstances"
         scope = "public"
         viewName = "All Instances"
         templateIds = ""
         haltedOnly = "false"
         ids = [