Configuring Dynamic Organization Model Extension Points

An extension point configuration is used to dynamically generate instances of the organization model template directly below it.


There must be an organization unit designated with an extension point, as well as an organization model template defined, in the deployed organization model.


  1. From the Organization Browser, click the Organizations button, then expand the hierarchy and select the organization unit for which you want to configure an extension point.
    The organization unit must have been designated for an extension point when it was defined in TIBCO Business Studio. You can determine organization units that have been designated for an extension point by the icon next to the organization unit name. For example:

  2. Click the Configure Extension Point link.
    • If an extension point has been configured for the organization unit, its configuration is displayed on the Dynamic Organization Configuration dialog. You can edit the configuration using the information in Step 3.
    • If an extension point does not exist for the organization unit, click Configure Extension Point button on the Dynamic Organization Configuration dialog, then use the information in Step 3 to configure the extension point.
  3. Configure the extension point using the fields on the Dynamic Organization Configuration dialog, as follows:
    Field Description
    Ldap Connection The alias for the LDAP connection that contains the instance name attribute (see below) whose values is used to instantiate the organization model template.
    Base DN The LDAP branch to which the LDAP query (see below) will be restricted. This is optional and is relative to any Base-DN already specified on the LDAP connection.
    LDAP Query This expression will locate entries that identify the new dynamic organization model instances.
    Search Scope Determines the depth to which the search will be performed, as follows:
    • One Level - Only the elements directly within the Base-DN level are searched.
    • Sub Tree - Elements directly within, and below, the Base-DN level are searched.
    Instance Name Attribute For every LDAP entry that is found in the query result set, the query looks up this attribute. For every value in this attribute, an instance of the dynamic organization model is created. And each value in this attribute is used as the name of the root organization unit of the newly created dynamic organization model instance.
    Dynamic Organization Identifier(s) These are attributes that are defined in the dynamic organization model. They are used to uniquely identify a generated instance of a dynamic organization at runtime. When a participant is assigned to a user task, the runtime needs to be able to identify the correct instance of the dynamic organization. These identifiers are used for that purpose.

    These attributes must be mapped to LDAP attributes that contain values used to identify a particular instance of the dynamic organization at runtime. This allows the process to access the identifying value (as processes cannot directly access LDAP attributes).

    For each identifier listed, select an LDAP attribute that contains the values needed by the process to identify the dynamic organization model instance.

    For more information and to see examples of dynamic organization identifiers, see the "Dynamic Organization Identifier Mapping" topic in the TIBCO Business Studio Modeling User's Guide.

  4. Click Save to save the edited or new extension point configuration.

Extension Point Configuration and Model Template Instance Generation Example


  • There is a dynamic organization model that was previously defined in TIBCO Business Studio, with an extension point entitled "Branches":

  • The organization model has been deployed, so it appears in the Organization Browser as follows:

  • Your LDAP source looks like this:

  • You want a branch dynamically generated for each of the organization units under ou=AllEmployees in the LDAP source.
  • Your business process contains a dynamic organization identifier called "Town" that is mapped to the "ou" attribute, which allows work items to be routed to users in the appropriate dynamically generated branch.

To configure an extension point for Branches, follow the procedure above and fill in the fields of the Dynamic Organization Configuration dialog as follows:

After instances of the dynamic organization model are generated by the properties in the DE.Properties file, the organization model appears as follows in the Organization Browser: