Determining Why a Work Item was Undelivered

If a work item is sent to the Undelivered group in Organization Model Version 0, you should determine why it was sent there so the problem can be resolved.


  • Ensure that there is a user (other than the System Administrator) mapped to the Undelivered group so that someone can monitor when work items are undelivered. For information, see Undelivered Work Items.
  • Your client application must provide the Event Viewer for the user who is trying to determine the cause of the work item being sent to the Undelivered group.


  1. When a work item shows up in the work list of the user monitoring undelivered work items, select the Error events in the Event Views:
  2. In the Event Viewer, click on the event.
  3. Use the information in the Event Attributes pane to determine the cause.
    The most helpful attribute may be the Extended message attribute.
  4. Click an attribute in the Value column to see the full text in the attribute.
    In this particular example, it looks like a Performer field was used in a script to assign the position "Accountant" as the participant of the user task. That position likely does not exist. To resolve the issue, either the position needs to be added, or the script needs to be modified.

    Note that this is just one example. There could be a variety of reasons a work item is undelivered.