Opening a Work Item Using the Openspace URL

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM supports a pushed distribution model. In other words, when a work item is generated, an email notification is sent to you. The email contains the URL of the work item, which you can click to open and process the work item. For example,

You are required to authenticate yourself with Openspace before you can open work items. How you are required to do this depends on how the authenticate property has been set in the Openspace file. See "Configuring Authentication" in the Openspace Customization Guide for more information.

Depending on the value of the authenticate property, if you are already logged into Openspace, you may be able to use the authentication provided in the current session. If not, you can add a username and password to the Openspace URL or log in using the Openspace Login panel. See Adding a Login and Username for more information.


  • To enable email notification of work items, you must configure the presentation channels for a particular project or entire workspace in TIBCO Business Studio. See "Presentation Channels" in the TIBCO Business Studio Modeling Guide for more information.
  • You must specify which organizational entity is going to receive the work items. See "Specify an Organizational Entity Push Destination" in the TIBCO Organization Browser User Guide.
  • If, when you installed your BPM runtime you specified localhost in your client properties, the Openspace URL in the email points to localhost rather than the actual address for TIBCO Openspace. As the work item is not on the localhost, the link does not resolve. To change this, you must amend the BaseOSFormAppUrl property in the file. See "Configuring the Email Presentation Channel" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Implementation Guide.


  1. When the process is started, the organizational entity receives the email.
    The email attributes, for example, Subject, Priority, From and so on, are configurable in TIBCO Business Studio when you set up the email task. The email subject is followed by the Id number. The Id number is set up using a token in an email attribute. The Id number is different for each work item.
  2. Open the email and click the link provided to open the work item.