URL Encoding Path and Query Parameters

If path or query parameters contain characters that are either reserved or potentially unsafe when used in URLs, those characters must be URL encoded when used in a BPM REST API request.

For example, a space must be replaced by %20. A forward slash (/) must be replaced by %2F. If a process has a module name of:

/SimplestProc/Process Packages/SimplestProc.xpdl

the module name, when used in a BPM REST API request, must be encoded in the resource URL as:


See RFC1738 ("Uniform Resource Locators") for more information about URL encoding.

Configuring the Proxy to Support Encoded Characters

Some proxies, by default, do not allow encoded slashes in the URL. If the proxy does not allow encoded slashes, URLs that contain them are refused and return a 404 (not found) error.

Proxies can be configured to allow encoded slashes. For example, for an Apache proxy, the following directive is added to the Apache configuration file, httpd.conf:

AllowEncodedSlashes true

Use the equivalent configuration for other proxies. See the documentation for your proxy.