Menu and Toolbar Button Location

Custom interfaces can be launched from various locations in the Workspace application.

The following shows the locations at which you can place menus and toolbar buttons to launch custom interfaces, as well as the elements in the customInterfaces.xml file used to configure custom interfaces launched from those locations (for more detail about these elements, see Configuration Elements):

Main Application Toolbar

Note: This menu and toolbar button location is applicable only for the Workspace application. It does not apply for custom WCC applications.

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:


Master Selection Area

Note: This toolbar button location is applicable only for the Workspace application. It does not apply for custom WCC applications.

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:


Work Views List

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:


Work Items List

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:


Process Views List

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:


Process Instances List

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:


Event Views List

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:


Events List

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:


Business Services List

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:


Process Templates List

Use the following elements in customInterfaces.xml to configure custom interfaces launched from this location:
