Content Management Properties (

Configure the content management system (CMS) that is used by the Business Data Services case folder feature.

Property Default Value Description
repoBindingType atompub The type of binding that is used against the CMIS URL. Currently, only atompub is supported.
repoConnectionTimeout 10000 The period of time, in ms, after which a request to connect to the CMS server times out. If connection requests fail, causing "connect timed out" messages to appear in BPM.log, you should increase the value of this property.
repoConnectionURL http://localhost:9090/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.0/atom The URL that is used to connect to the CMS's CMIS interface.
repoID -default- The ID of the main repository within the CMS that is to be connected to.
repoReadTimeout 60000 The period of time, in ms, after which a request to read from the CMS server times out. If read requests fail, causing "read timed out" messages to appear in BPM.log, you should increase the value of this property.
repoRootFolderPath /Sites/amxbpm/documentLibrary The path of an existing folder in the main repository that is used to store case folder data. You must create this folder manually, even if the default is specified here.
trustStoreLocation The path and name of the trustStore file that contains valid certificates to be used when connecting to an HTTPS-enabled CMS.
trustStoreType The type of the trustStore file. Valid values include JCEKS, JKS, and so on.