
Returns data about process instance instances from the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Event Collector. Note that the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Event Collector includes data from process instances that are CANCELD and COMPLETED. The following data is displayed:

  • endTime
  • duration
  • priority
  • originator
  • processId
  • processState
  • startTime
Action GetProcessInstancesFromEC
Parameter Notes filter: a filter string to query Event Collector. For example, to retrieve the data about version 1.0.0 of a process template called process template, the following could be used: processTemplateName = 'templateName' AND version = '1.0.0' AND moduleName = 'moduleName'. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide for more information about querying Event Collector.
Return ProcessInstancesDataResult

Required System Action
