Loading Event Collector Audit Data From a Database

You can load Event Collector audit data in the Log Viewer from a database. Event Collector is one of the components of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM. It collects and correlates data on business process events.


  1. From Log Viewer, click Files.
  2. From File Manager, click Add Database.
  3. From New Log Source, complete the following:
    Option Description
    Database Profile From the drop-down list, select the database you are using. You can select one of the following:
    • SQL Server (generic)
    • Oracle
    • DB2
    Username Type the name of a database server user account that has database administrator privileges.
    Password Type the password for the username.
    Classpath The Classpath must specify the JDBC class file. Click Add Jar to browse to the file.
    Connect String Specify the JDBC connection string needed to connect to the database server.
    Note: For a Microsoft SQL Server database, you must use the following format for the URL: jdbc:sqlserver://host:port;DatabaseName=dbNname
    Driver Class Specify the database driver used to connect to the database server that hosts the BPM database.
    TablePrefix Type in any database table prefixes, for example, amx.bpm.
    Additional Props Specify any additional parameters required to connect to your database.
    Filter Where Clause Specify a filter if you want to restrict the data to retrieve.
    Save as profile Click this if you want to save your settings as a profile. In the Profile Name box, type the name for your profile and click OK. The profile is now available in the Database Profile drop-down list.
    Test Connection Verifies that the Log Viewer can connect to the database server using the information supplied on this page.
  4. Click OK twice to return to the Log Viewer.