
The BusinessServiceService contains functions to get information about and interact with deployed business services.

The table below lists the functions available from the BusinessServiceService.

Function Description Returns
cancelBusinessService Cancels a given business service instance.

Required system action: executeBusinessService

getBusinessServiceDetailsByModule Retrieves all the information about a business service, identified by module.

Required system action: listBusinessServices

injectBusinessService Injects data into a business service whose execution state is IN_PROGRESS.

The request identifies an intermediate event that is used to inject data into the given business service and specifies the formal parameter values that are to be injected.

The response returns complete information about the injected business service instance.

Required system action: executeBusinessService

listBusinessServices Lists deployed business services.

The request specifies any filter criteria to be applied to the request.

Required system action: listBusinessServices

listCategories Lists categories of all deployed business services.

The request requests a list of the categories of all deployed business services, for either a specific channel or for all channels.

Required system action: listBusinessServices

queryBusinessServices Returns the deployed business services that satisfy the specified filter criteria.

Required system action: listBusinessServices

queryCategories Returns categories of the deployed business services that satisfy the specified filter criteria.

Required system action: listBusinessServices

startBusinessService Starts an instance of a deployed business service.

Required system action: executeBusinessService

updateBusinessService Updates the specified business service instance.

Required system action: executeBusinessService
