
Returns references to documents that are linked to a specified case.

  • The request identifies the case objects whose document references are to be returned.
  • The response returns the found document references, and optionally, document metadata.
Note that there are three REST variants of findDocuments:
  • GET with path parameters - In this request, you specify a case reference and a document name as path parameters.
  • POST with Name parameter in request body - In this request, the case reference and the name parameter are embedded in the request body.
  • POST with query string in request body - In this request, the case reference and a query string are embedded in the request body. Also note that when embedding the query string in the request body, the <documentType> element is optional; it defaults to cmis:document if not included.
Note: The following limitations apply to the use of the findDocuments operation if you are using Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 for your content management system (CMS):
  • You cannot use the LIKE operator when using the findDocuments operation to search for documents in a case folder. This is because Sharepoint 2013 does not allow the use of the LIKE operator in the CMIS Query language.
  • You cannot use the CONTAINS() function (used for full-text searches) when using the findDocuments operation to search for documents in a case folder. This is because Sharepoint 2013 mandates 'bothSeparate' query capabilities, but findDocuments performs a scoped search of documents (via the CMIS IN_TREE() clause) inside a case folder.
Required System Action
API Descriptions