Defining How Work Will be Assigned to Users
TIBCO Business Studio offers a number of design-time mechanisms to refine and control how work items generated from user tasks will be assigned to users.
- Offering and Allocating Work
The participants assigned to a user task define the pool of users who are eligible to receive work items generated by that user task. You must also define whether a work item generated from a user task will be allocated to or offered to the pool of eligible users: - Distributing Work Within the Target Pool
Once you have identified the participants who are eligible to receive work items generated by a user task, BPM must identify the users within the target pool to send the work item to. - Allocating a Work Item to a Member of an Offer Set
Use the Allocate to offer-set member distribution strategy to specify both an offer set for a work item, and a specific user to whom that work item should be allocated. When the work item is scheduled, if that user is not a valid member of the offer set, the work item is instead offered to the remaining members of the offer set, as if the Offer to all distribution strategy had been used instead. - Using Resource Patterns to Control How Work is Assigned
You can use the following resource patterns in your process to further control how work is assigned to users. Resource patterns are formal representations of the various ways in which resources are represented and utilized in workflows, as identified by the Workflow Patterns initiative.
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