Configuring How Often the Process Engine Looks for Work Requests

The Process Engine maintains a queue of work requests to process. Depending on the number of items in the queue, the engine retrieves further requests from the PVM_REQUEST_QUEUE database table. Although the settings that control the frequency of this retrieval are suitable for most installations, you may want to change them to increase efficiency.


  • Use the following properties in the file to configure the checking of work requests:
    Property Description
    requestQueueBatchSize The number of new requests to retrieve from the PVM_REQUEST_QUEUE table at a time. Default: 25.
    requestQueueFillLevel The maximum number of requests in the request queue. When this number is reached, the engine stops checking the PVM_REQUEST_QUEUE table for new requests. Default: 50.
    requestQueueLowLevel The minimum number of requests in the request queue. When this number is reached, the engine starts checking the PVM_REQUEST_QUEUE table for new requests. Default: 10.
    requestQueueIdleSleep If there are no requests in the PVM_REQUEST_QUEUE table, this is the amount of time (in ms) that the engine sleeps before it checks the table again for new requests. Default: 100.

    For additional information about properties files, see BPM Properties Files.