This view shows simulation data about running and completed simulations. It displays information about the cost of Activities such as the average cost, minimum and maximum cost and so on:
Started Cases
The number of cases started. This is configured on the Simulation properties of the Start event.
Finished Cases
The number of cases completed. When the simulation runs to completion, this should equal the number of cases started.
Average Case Time
The average time it takes to complete a case. The time unit is configured on the Simulation properties of the Start event.
Min. Case Time
The fastest that a case was processed.
Max. Case Time
The longest a case took to be processed.
Average Cost
The average cost of a Case in the Process (based on the Participant Costs and Activity Durations).
Min. Cost
The lowest cost case of the simulation run.
Max. Cost
The highest cost case of the simulation run.
Cumulative Cost
The total cost of all the cases in the simulation run.
Name of the Participant.
Number of Participants (specified on the Simulation properties of the Participant).
Current Idle Count
Number of Idle Participants (for example, if you pause the simulation before it finishes).
Average Idle Count
Average number of idle Participants.
Average Idle Time
Average amount of time the Participant spent not handling a case.
Name of the Activity.
Processed Cases
Number of cases processed by this Activity.
Current Queue Size
Number of cases currently queued for this Activity.
Max Queue Size
The maximum number of cases that were queued for this Activity.
Average Queue Size
The average number of cases that were queued for this Activity.
Average Wait
The average time a case spends queued.
Average Cost
The average cost of an Activity (calculated using the cost of the Participant and the time spent on the Activity).
Min Cost
The lowest Activity cost.
Max Cost
The highest Activity cost.
Cumulative Cost
The total cost of the Activity to that point in the simulation (calculated by multiplying the average cost times the number of cases).