Configuring how Application Development Starts with ActiveMatrix BPM

A startDeploymentThread configuration parameter is provided, which allows you to separate startup of Application Development from startup of the ActiveMatrix BPM application.

Part of the startup operation for the ActiveMatrix BPM application ( is to start Application Development, which in turn has to deploy custom client applications to its runtime repository. Waiting for Application Development startup to deploy these applications could result in a delay to startup. A startDeploymentThread configuration parameter is provided, which allows you to separate startup of Application Development from startup of the ActiveMatrix BPM application.
Note: You can also disable the provisioning of the out-of-the-box Application Development applications to speed up the startup of the ActiveMatrix BPM application -- see Disabling Provisioning of Application Development Applications.
  • startDeploymentThread=true: Application Development uses a separate processing thread to deploy custom client applications. The ActiveMatrix BPM application can complete its startup without having to wait for custom client applications to finish deploying. This is the default option.
  • startDeploymentThread=false: Application Development startup uses the same thread as the ActiveMatrix BPM application. The ActiveMatrix BPM application cannot complete its startup until all custom client applications have finished deploying. You should set this option if you need custom client applications to be available as soon as starts up.
    Note: If startDeploymentThread is set to a value other than true or false, the property value is treated as false (which is not the normal default value).
When startDeploymentThread=true, a series of messages are written to the BPM log file, showing the thread starting, deploying applications, and completing. For example:
[ComponentFrameworkDelegate] [INFO ] stdout - 17:01:54.331 INFO 
   [ComponentFrameworkDelegate] c.t.r.c.RepositoryComponent : Reading properties 

   [ComponentFrameworkDelegate] [INFO ] stdout - 17:02:14.838 INFO 
   [ComponentFrameworkDelegate] c.t.c.p.c.AppProvisionerService : App 
   Provisioner starting thread
   [Thread-2744] [INFO ] stdout - 17:02:14.874 INFO [Thread-2744] c.t.c.p.c.
   AppProvisioner : Already installed: apps/
   [Thread-2744] [INFO ] stdout - 17:02:14.875 INFO [Thread-2744] c.t.c.p.c.
   AppProvisioner : STARTUP COMPLETED

If a user tries to access Application Development before the thread has completed, a message indicating that it is still starting is displayed. The login page displays once the thread has completed.

In ActiveMatrix Administrator, the Status changes to RUNNING before the thread completes.

When upgrading, the value of the startDeploymentThread is respected.


  1. Open the file in the CONFIG_HOME\bpm\bpm_app_name\configuration folder.
  2. Set the startDeploymentThread value to true or false, as you require.
  3. Save the file.