Refreshing Work Items

Your work views that are initially displayed are a snapshot of the work items at that point in time. You can refresh the work view to get the most recent list of work items.

You can refresh work items by using the gadget, or set up a custom refresh interval.


  • Click The refresh icon is two concentric arrows pointing in opposite directions from the Work Views gadget and Openspace automatically refreshes,
  • Configure the Work Views gadget to automatically refresh the list at specified intervals.
    By default this is set to 0 which means auto-refresh is turned off.
    1. From the Work Views gadget, click The automatic refresh icon is two concentric arrows with a round circle superimposed on it. The configure auto refresh dialog is displayed.
    2. In the auto refresh interval (seconds) box, type the number of seconds you would like between refreshes (the minimum you can specify is 30 seconds), or 0 to turn off auto refresh.
    3. Click OK.