
The getNodeInfo method returns the Node information by the Node Name.

If the Node Name argument is blank, then all ActiveMatrix nodes are returned. On providing the Node Name argument, it serves as a regular expression used to filter the nodes returned.


Synchronous, IMPACT_INFO.


Name Type Description
Node Name String The node name.


Name Type Description
Process ID String The Process ID of the ActiveMatrix Node (OS Process ID.)

Note: Process ID return "-1", if Node is not running.

Name String The name of the Node.
Host String The name of the host associated with the node.
Runtime State String The actual state of the node as reported by the host.
  • STARTING - Starting of the node. The starting state should move to the running state BEFORE the nodes are started.
  • RUNNING - The node is running successfully.
  • LOST_CONTACT - Lost contact with the node. Reasons being the node was killed unexpectedly, or the network is no logger operational.
Stop Mode String In which mode the node is stopped. Node can be stopped in abort, immediate or normal mode through the ActiveMatrix Admin UI or end the process from the OS or using the API to the Stop Node.
  • abort - The node is killed immediately. This mode is however not supported on all the HPAs. If you attempt to abort a node on a HPA that does not support node abort, the status block for that node shows an "operation-not-supported" error.
  • immediate - It implies that the node's infrastructure and applications may not have been able to shut down in a clean manner. This will potentially leave the node in an inconsistent state that will have to be recovered prior to the subsequent successful startup.
  • normal - Implies that all infrastructure and applications running on the node would have completed all or any task(s) normally associated with their shutdown
Stop Reason String Stop reason text message.

If the end process is from the OS, then reason returned is "OSGI Framework is stopping".

Stop Reason Code String Stop reason error code.

Note: Most of the time it is Reason null and reason code -1.

Time Stamp String The time stamp (date and time) of the state changed (For example, from the NOT_RUNNING state to the RUNNING State, the time stamp of the node started and running successfully). Time Stamp returns long value, which is available in Hawk in a readable format of date and time.

Note: If an ActiveMatrix node was stopped while starting the Hawk agent, then getNodeInfo() would return 0 in the timestamp column for that particular node.

Note: During the microagent startup, if the node state appears as Starting in ActiveMatrix Administrator UI, the getNodeInfo() method does not return the correct node state unless the node is restarted.

When the node is restarted (that is, when the microagent receives a Start notification from ActiveMatrix Administrator), the microagent returns the correct state of the node.

Note: On Windows, when a node is stopped using "Terminate Node Process" option in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator, then the last state reported is LOST_CONTACT instead of NOT_RUNNING.