REST API - getWorkListItemsAllResources

The table summarizes the REST API - getWorkListItemsAllResources.


GET <baseurl>/worklist/itemsall/<resourcetype>/<start>/<count>
Path parameters
  • resourceType: the only valid value is ALL. Returns a work list for all resources, subject to the sort and filter criteria specified.
  • start: Position in the work item list from which to start this page. (The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.)
  • count: Number of work items (in the work item list) to include in this page.
Query parameters
  • filterstring=string (optional). Specification of filter criteria to be applied to a work item list. See Sorting and Filtering Work Lists for details.
  • orderstring=string (optional). Specification of sort criteria to be applied to a work item list. See Sorting and Filtering Work Lists for details.
  • enhancedattributes=Boolean (optional, default=false). If true, all 40 work item attributes are returned with the work item; if false, only work item attributes 1-14 are returned with the work item.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the getWorkListItemsResponse element.
XML Returns the content of the getWorkListItemsResponse element (from the WorkListService schema).
  In either format, totalitems is always -1 in a non-empty response.


GET <baseurl>/worklist/itemsall/ALL/0/2
      <id id="5" version="0"/>
      <header distributionStrategy="OFFER" priority="30" startDate="2013-06-26T09:47:33.713Z" endDate="2013-06-28T09:47:33.713Z">
         <name>Test Entity Work Lists Group</name>
         <description>Test Entity Work Lists Group</description>
            <activityID>SoapUI Scheduled Item</activityID>
            <activityName>SoapUI Scheduled Item</activityName>
            <appID>Model ID</appID>
      <id id="6" version="0"/>
      <header distributionStrategy="OFFER" priority="30" startDate="2013-06-26T09:47:33.987Z" endDate="2013-06-28T09:47:33.987Z">
         <name>Test Entity Work Lists Resource</name>
         <description>Test Entity Work Lists Resource</description>
            <activityID>SoapUI Scheduled Item</activityID>
            <activityName>SoapUI Scheduled Item</activityName>
            <appID>Model ID</appID>