Record Versions GoldenCopy

This mode is similar to the "recordversions" execution mode where you can remove the older versions of records.

It is different compared to the "recordversions" mode in the following ways:

  • The VersionsToRetain and Interval input parameters are not applicable; however, the StartDate and EndDate parameters are supported to form a window.
  • This mode retains only the Golden Copy version and any higher versions which are not in CONFIRMED state. All older versions are deleted. This mode is useful when the version history is not important, and when you want to use the record version mode in an aggressive manner.
  • The GOLDENCOPY table is queried instead of the PRINCIPALKEY table.
For example, to purge record versions from a repository MYREPO by retaining only the GoldenCopy version:
PurgeHelper -o recordversionsGoldenCopy -an TEST1 -mn admin -rn MYREPO