Customizing Resource Bundles on JBoss WildFly Application Server

You need to perform the specific steps to customize the resource bundles on the JBoss WildFly Application Server.


Create custom resource bundle using the Resource Bundle editor in TIBCO MDM Studio and then deploy the customized resource bundle at the enterprise or an application level in TIBCO MDM. For information, refer to TIBCO MDM Studio Repository Designer User's Guide.

After you deploy the customized resource bundle in TIBCO MDM, the custom resources are created in the following location:
  • For Windows: %MQ_HOME%/custom/resources/com/tibco/mdm/custom/main/com/tibco/mdm/properties/mdm
  • For Linux: $MQ_HOME\custom\resources\com\tibco\mdm\custom\main\com\tibco\mdm\properties\mdm
The module.xml file is created in
  • For Windows: %MQ_HOME%/custom/resources/com/tibco/mdm/custom/main
  • For Linux: $MQ_HOME\custom\resources\com\tibco\mdm\custom\main


  1. Navigate to $JBOSS_HOME/bin or %JBOSS_HOME%\bindirectory and open the or standalone.bat file.
  2. Add the following entry:
    • For standalone.bat:
      if "x%JBOSS_MODULEPATH%" == "x" (
      set "JBOSS_MODULEPATH=%JBOSS_HOME%\modules;%MQ_HOME%\custom\resources"
    • For
      if [ "x$JBOSS_MODULEPATH" = "x" ]; then
  3. Save the standalone.bat or file.
  4. Navigate to $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration or %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\configuration directory and open the standalone.xml file.
  5. Add the following global module entry:
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:4.0">
    <module name="com.tibco.mdm.custom" slot="main"/>
  6. Save the standalone.xml file.

What to do next

  1. Restart TIBCO MDM server.
  2. Log on to TIBCO MDM and verify the customized text.