
IDataProvider interface should be implemented for data extraction. Concrete implementation can provide implementation for extracting data from any data source like RDBMS, data matching engines like Netrics or files.

Data Extractor framework executes IDataProvider concrete implementation for data extraction. IDataProvider provides the following methods:

  • init – Invoked only once and should be used for one time initialization such as opening files and so on. Init receives the parameters from web service request and context.
  • execute – Should contain the logic to fetch data from the underlying data sources. It should return a Batch Iterator.
  • getTotalCount – Should return total count of the records to be extracted in the process.
  • getParams – Returns the parameters specified in init.
  • cleanUp – Invoked only once and should be used clean in the end such as closing connection and so on.

For details on IDataProvider interface, click the Help icon in the TIBCO MDM application. In the Contents section, click API Reference > Java API Reference Pages. Click the Java API Reference link in the left pane. The detailed description of each class and method in the TIBCO MDM Java API references are provided.