Enable Record Change Notifications

Record change notifications can be enabled for:

  • Repository — The repository name can be specified using regular expression.

    Default is specified as ".*", and means all repositories. If change notifications are enabled, the notifications will be generated for all repositories. To limit notifications for specific repositories, you can replace this regular expression with a specific list of repositories.

  • Specific record states by listing the states — By default, notifications are skipped for DRAFT and REJECTED record states. When a record state is changed from a skipped state to another state, the notification is generated. However, this notification is a STATE_CHANGE notification. If the record version was earlier created as DRAFT, any corresponding action notifications for CREATED, MODIFIED, and DELETED are skipped.
    • Deleting a product generates a DELETED event. However, if only the CONFIRMED state is published, ACTIVE=N with STATE_CHANGE and STATE=CONFIRMED may be used to capture DELETED events. The client must interpret the data to understand how to interpret deleted record notifications.
    • When a record is added, the CREATED notification is generated. However, if this notification is suppressed due to a state or action filter, client only receives a STATE_CHANGE notification later, which may be for a new record.
    • When a record is modified, the MODIFIED notification is generated. However, if this notification is suppressed due to a state or action filter, client only receives a STATE_CHANGE notification later, which may be for a modified record.
  • Specific actions listed in the configuration

    When import is done, a large number of records may be updated and flood the system. To control this, DRAFT state can be omitted by configuring the controls in Configurator. If this state is suppressed, when DRAFT state is changed, the STATE_CHANGE notification is generated and the client must interpret it for a record that may be new. Note that for a new record, the version is not always equal to 1.

    When a record is rejected, a STATE_CHANGE notification is generated. In general, a REJECTION state change notification must be configured only if a DRAFT or UNCONFIRMED state is also configured. If only a CONFIRMED state is required, omit the REJECTED state, as it indicates only an internal state change.