EvaluateSubset Activity

The EvaluateSubset activity applies a Subset Rule on previously selected records to create a smaller set. The activity can be used along with a catalog or repository. When used with a Catalog, the Subset Rule to be applied is identified when the catalog is defined.

When used with a repository, the Subset Rule name is supplied as input to the activity, and you can have more than one Subset Rule applied one after another.

The EvaluateSubset activity supports incremental evaluation of subset. This activity accepts a named version prefix and verifies the last duration when the subset was executed. If incremental is true, the EvaluateSubset activity returns added or updated records after the last evaluation.

  • If data is exported for a complete repository, Named Version name is formed as Prefix%.
  • If data is exported for a subset, Named Version name is formed as Prefix_SubsetID%.

    In both cases, Prefix refers to the name given to named version and % refers to timestamp.