Creating Subset Rule

Use this screen to create a new subset rule based on a List, Search or an Expression.


  1. Click Master Data > Subset Rules.
  2. Click Create from the Subset Rules screen.
  3. Select a repository name from the drop-down list on the Create Subset Rule screen. A subset is always defined for a repository.
  4. Enter a Subset Rule Name and Description in the respective text fields. The subset rule name must be unique and can only contain A-Z, 0-9. It is case insensitive.
  5. Select a method on which the rule is to be Based On - List, Search, or Expression.
    • For a subset rule based on a List, do the following in the Pick a Data Source for Lookup List section:
      • Select a Data Source from the drop-down list.
      • Map Data Source Attributes and Repository Attributes by selecting them from the drop-down lists.
      • Click View Results.
    • For a subset rule based on Search, do the following in the record search section:
      • Fill in record information fields.
      • Enter product information.
      • Enter the record information.
      • Enter synchronization information.
      • Click View Results.
    • For a subset rule based on an Expression, do the following in the Expression section:
      • Select an item in the Filter text field and click > to move it to the Expression field.
      • Repeat till the Expression is complete.
      • Click View Results.
  6. Click Save.