Implicit Relationship

Implicit relationships are the relationships specified for records through the relationship between input maps. While defining input maps, a set of relationships are selected. For each relationship, maps are created to map data. The data being mapped to hierarchy of input maps implicitly defines the relationships between the records mapped to different repositories.

Implicit relationships allows you to create a relationship across repositories. An Implicit relationship is established when you import data within a single row of a data source. When you import data from a data source with large chunks of data in a single row, the import process segregates data into different repositories with the help of the implicit relationship. The data of one data source can span across repositories with the help of input maps.

For instance, a single record in the data source containing Customer, Shipping Address, Billing Address, and Tax Info details can be bound by an implicit relationship. Input maps defined on this data can segregate customer-related information to be sent to the Customer repository, Billing and Shipping Address-related information to the Address repository, and the Tax Info to the Tax Info repository. In this case, Customer is the parent record. Billing Address, Shipping Address, and Tax Info are the child records.

Implicit Relationship

Implicit relationships are always processed as incremental. For example, assume that Customer has established a Billing Address relationship with five child records. There are two more records to be imported: one that is an update to the existing child record, and another that is a new record. When import is complete, the import row has two addresses associated implicitly using the Billing Address relationship. Once import is complete, the Customer has six addresses. Import modifies the existing address and adds a new one. That is, relationships to previous addresses are retained.