Example for Confirm Immediately in case of Floating of Record Versions

Consider the following scenario for Confirm Immediately in case of floating of record versions:

Create a record using the UI and send it for processing. Ensure it is queued up for approval and is not confirmed.

Import the record with workflow changed to confirm records immediately using the RecordState parameter of ImportCatalogRecord activity.

After import, the state of a record is CONFIRMED, and the version of a record is changed to Version 2.

However, if you modify the record using UI or web services, the modification is not allowed as Version 1 of the record is pending with the approver in the workflow. When the approver attempts to modify the record, the modification is not allowed as the record is not the latest version and already CONFIRMED, later version of a record exists in a workflow. To resolve this deadlock, cancel the record modification event using event log UI the import event as follows:

  1. Go to the Record History page and locate the event corresponding to the UNCONFIRMED record. For information on how to view the Record History page, refer to Viewing Record History.
  2. Cancel the event. For information on how to cancel the event, refer to Handling of Event Logs.

    Record is cancelled. You can modify the CONFIRMED version of a record.