MDM Specific Rulebases

The rulebases are located in the $MQ_HOME/common/standard/rulebase folder.

MDM Specific Rulebases
File Description
allowAttrList.xml Use to specify the allow merge attributes.
DisplayAttrList.xml Use to specify the name of the attributes that you want to display in the report.
skipAttrList.xml Use to specify the skip merge attributes.
MatchAttrList.xml Use to specify the name of matching attributes and weightage. Using the matching attributes, you can search for close, not necessarily exact, matching records.
rbconnectorprotocolderivation.xml This rulebase decides the protocol to be used by messaging handler for outgoing messages or the response handler for incoming messages.
rbdefault.xml This is the default synchronization choreography derivation rulebase. It provides a simple default operation for outgoing messages.
rbexpirydate.xml This is a sample rulebase to demonstrate workitem expiry date calculation based on record attributes. This rulebase is used to determine if workitem is timed out if the expiry method is set to COMPUTE.
rbformatattributes.xml This is a sample rulebase to customize synchronization profile screen.
rbgenerateid.xml This is an empty placeholder rulebase which is used in incoming message processing workflows. Customize this rulebase to provide a product ID generation algorithm, if needed.
rbmessageprocessorderivation.xml This rulebase evaluates the message processor property key prefix(es) based on various parameters associated with the message being received. This prefix string is used to pick up the message processor class name from the Configurator to be instantiated to process the received message.
rbpasswdval.xml This sample rulebase allows you to apply certain policies for valid passwords.
rbresponsehandlerprotocolderivation.xml This rulebase is used to identify the protocol used for message processing.
rbsendmessage.xml The generic screen is available from the Product View screen, where there is an actions link for SendMessage based on the user privileges (Role). The UI that opens on clicking this link is completely customizable based on the underlined rulebase rbsendMessage.xml. Currently, it is used to send an RFCIN message and generate fact sheet.

Following customizations are possible:

  • Customize the product attributes that can be displayed.
  • Customize action that can be performed.
  • Customize the MarketPlace and TradingPartner Credentials.
  • Customize the user defined attributes
rbveloselsupplier.xml This rulebase identifies different synch operations for CIM2CIM.
rbworkitemdescription.xml This rulebase derives out-of-box work-item descriptions.
RulebaseCustomFunction.JAVA This is a sample rulebase custom function implementation.
RulebaseCustomFunction.class This is a sample rulebase custom function implementation.
statusderivation.xml This rulebase identifies the response status received from the datapool and translates the status into a TIBCO MDM-specific status.

This rulebase is used to summarize synchronization status and to map the status to business terms. Default implementation is provided to support standard synchronization for Agentrics and 1Sync.