Senders and Receivers

Queues are accessed by senders and receivers. TIBCO MDM accesses all queues using logical queue names.

To define a new queue, first identify a logical name for the queue. The logical queue name must be unique for an application instance. It is a good practice to use the logical queue name as a pattern to define sender and receiver manager names. A sender or receiver manager defines a pool of senders or receivers.

The logical queue, receivers, and managers are defined in Configurator. For example, if the logical queue name is MyTest, the recommended pattern is:

<logicalQueueName> + direction + type + QueueSenderManager
<logicalQueueName> + direction + type + QueueReceiverManager
  • Direction can be inbound or outbound with respect to the direction of message to the TIBCO MDM. Direction is optional, and must be used when a pair of queues are defined.
  • Type can be Msg or Event, depending on the usage of the queue.
  • Sender – MyTestOutboundMsgQueueSenderManager
    Receiver – MyTestOutboundMsgQueueReceiverManager

After the names are defined, you need to define the properties of these managers.