Limitations for Export or Import of Metadata

The following are the limitations for export or import of metadata.

  • Metadata migration is supported only between the similar versions of TIBCO MDM. At least, the major versions of TIBCO MDM have to match between the instance from which the export is being done, and the instance into which it will be imported.
  • If you attempt metadata migration, ensure that the applications are not being used (either through the user interface or through XML messages) while export or import is being done. Doing an export or import while the application is being actively used might lead to inconsistent results. TIBCO recommends that the web server bridge to the application be brought down to ensure no users are using the system. To ensure that no messages are being processed, you should bring down the Communicator.
  • Only one command is supported per transaction in the data service XML, and only one entity in a command.
  • Export and import do not allow incremental migration. This means an entity with all its subcomponents are exported or imported. If an entity with the same name is present in the target company, the entity and its subcomponents will be overwritten.
  • TIBCO MDM running on the SQL Server database: Importing metadata concurrently may lead to database locks. Therefore, it is recommended that you import metadata sequentially.
  • Importing metadata fails on the Oracle database if the metadata is exported from the SQL Server database containing the table name more than 30 characters.