ManageRecordCollection Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for ManageRecordCollection is SYNCHR.

The parameters of ManageRecordCollection are as follows:

ManageRecordCollection Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
Direction: In
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) This parameter indicates if records should be converted to record hierarchies. If set to true, the output record collection will have hierarchies of the record based on specified relationships. When record hierarchies are being created, a repository should be specified as input and would be used as root repository.

If bundlingOption is set to false, no hierarchies are created. This is typically used when you need to create a record collection of all records in the input document or event so that this record collection can be processed by other workflow activities. Note that if input document is not specified, a repository can be specified as input so that the resulting record collection will contain records belonging to specified repository only.

boolean True


(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) See Common Parameters.

Input RecordList. If none is specified, all records associated with the event are considered.

This parameter is required only if SetRecordListReadOnly is true.

recordlist Existing RecordList. 0..1
(Optional) When both MasterCatalog and Indoc are specified as input to ManageRecordCollection, the catalog specified in the MasterCatalog parameter is used for bundling.

This parameter allows you to limit the record collection to a specific repository, if BundlingOption=false.

  • If document is specified, MasterCatalog does not apply.
  • If document is not specified, and BundlingOption=true, the repository is used to validate relationships specified. It does not limit the bundling to only one repository. All relationships starting from the repository will be processed. If repository is not specified, it will be taken from the first record.
  • If BundlingOption=false, and indocument is not specified, only records of the specified repository are added to record collection.
  • If BundlingOption=true, this repository is used as root to select relationships across all related repositories.
string   0..1
PerspectiveName (Optional) See CreateWorkItem Parameters and Valid Execution Modes.
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      


See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) A boolean to determine whether the activity should take the incoming record list object and set it to be read-only. boolean True

False (default)

(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
Direction: Out
OutRecordList See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) Number of records added to the newly created record list. long    

(applicable since version 7.1)

Number of bundles created using the specified relationship name. long    

The following table describes how the activities process input records and valid input combinations.

Note: If InDoc is specified and it does not have any records, the following table should be read as if InDoc is not specified. Also, the record list is marked as read only if SetRecordListReadOnly is set to true.
Bundling InDoc Repository Relation Name Behavior
True N/A N/A N The following message is shown: 
None of the specified relationships are valid or none specified.
Y N Y Bundles for specified relation name and relationships are not validated.
Y Y Y Repository is used to validate relationships.
N N Y All records associated with the event are processed. Relationships are not validated. This is the slowest execution mode.
N Y Y All records associated with the event are processed. Relationships are validated. Processing happens in two passes. The first pass attempts to create bundles for a specified repository. The second pass processes only those records from other repositories which are not already associated with the roots identified so far.

First, all records associated with the specified repository are processed.

Next, all remaining records are processed if they are not already part of bundle created in the first pass.

False Y N/A N/A Relationships specified are ignored. Repository name specified is ignored.
N Y N/A Relationship name is ignored.

All records associated with the event are added to output record collection if they belong to the specified repository.

N N N/A Relationship name is ignored.

All records associated with event are added to output record collection.