SpawnWorkflow Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for SpawnWorkflow is ASYNCHR.

The parameters of SpawnWorkflow are as follows:

SpawnWorkflow Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multiplicity
Direction: In
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) Channel Credential. string   0..N
(Mandatory) Template for new Event. string file name relative to $MQ_COMMON_DIR 1
(Optional) Default Credential Domain string Any valid Domain. If not supplied then value is “GLN”. 0..1
(Mandatory) Form file used for merge string file name relative to $MQ_COMMON_DIR 1
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) RecordList recordlist RecordList 0..1
PerspectiveName (Optional) See CreateWorkItem Parameters and Valid Execution Modes.
(Optional) Receiver Credential string   0..N
(Optional) List of Record Key IDs string   0..N
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) See Common Parameters.

This input should be specified only if you want to change the relationships included in the spawned workflow. If not specified, relationships specified in the input record collection will be used.

(Optional) Sender Credential string   0..N
(Optional) Trading Partner Credential string   0..N
(Optional) See Common Parameters. string If there are any draft records in the workflow, they are included automatically. This parameter is applicable only if in record collection is null or event is for synchronization of a catalog. If specified, it overrides the VersionOption already in effect in input record collection. 1
(Optional) See Common Parameters.

If the priority is not specified, event priority is inherited by the new message.



Controls the record sequencing. If set to true, PRODUCTKEYID of each record from bundle is used as REGISTRATIONKEY. The parameter is applicable only when the activity is specified in the RecordCollection mode. If the record sequencing is not required and to improve the performance, do not enable the RecordSequencing parameter.

This parameter overrides the com.tibco.cim.optimization.record.sequencing configuration property.

String True (Default)




Controls the record sequencing of specific records in case of huge record bundle. Specify a repository name along with its attributes as follows:
<Parameter direction="in" name="RecordSequencingAttribute" type="string" eval="constant">ITEM/GTIN</Parameter>

You can specify multiple attributes as follows:

<Parameter direction="in" name="RecordSequencingAttribute" type="string" eval="constant">ITEM/PRODUCTID</Parameter>
<Parameter direction="in" name="RecordSequencingAttribute1" type="string" eval="constant">ITEM/DIVISIONNUMBER</Parameter>

The specified value of an attribute from the record bundle is used as REGISTRATIONKEY for events. If multiple attributes are specified, they are used to create a single REGISTRATIONKEY for each record bundle. A single REGISTRATIONKEY follows sorting based on the attribute name.

String Attribute name in the following format:

RepositoryName/Attribute Name

  • If you specify an incorrect repository or attribute name, the parameter is ignored.
  • In case of all invalid parameters, the record sequencing happens based on the default PRODUCTKEYID.
  • Specify the RecordSequencing and RecordSequencingAttribute parameters for the following two main reasons:
    • to control the concurrency of spawned events
    • to define sequential processing of bundles at workflow level rather than global level using the com.tibco.cim.optimization.record.sequencing configuration property.
  • While working with huge record bundles, control REGISTRATIONKEYS using the RecordSequencingAttribute parameter. The parameter defines only specific records and attributes from the bundle that are involved in sequencing decision. Additionally, the parameter restricts a number of entries made into the EVENTDETAIL table for each REGISTRATIONKEY, which helps to improve the performance.